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/ EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 July / EnigmA AMIGA RUN 20 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-07 & 08][EAR-CD IV].iso / lightwave / lwmlist / 93.lightwave-00 / 000516_rutgers!afit.af.mil!KDAWSON_Fri, 23 Jul 93 10:03:25 EDT.msg < prev    next >
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  1. Received: by bobsbox.rent.com (V1.16/Amiga)
  2.     id AA00000; Fri, 23 Jul 93 10:03:25 EDT
  3. Received: from blackbird.afit.af.mil by rutgers.edu (5.59/SMI4.0/RU1.5/3.08) 
  4.     id AA08906; Fri, 23 Jul 93 09:51:23 EDT
  5. Received: from calvin.afit.af.mil by blackbird.afit.af.mil with SMTP id AA21693
  6.   (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <LIGHTWAVE@BOBSBOX.RENT.COM>); Fri, 23 Jul 1993 09:46:03 -0400
  7. Received: by calvin.afit.af.mil (4.1/SMI-4.1)
  8.     id AA03087; Fri, 23 Jul 93 09:41:01 EDT
  9. Received: from smtpdoor   id: 2C4FEB16.38D
  10.     (WordPerfect SMTP Gateway V3.1a  04/27/92)
  11. Received: from calvin    (WP Connection)
  12. Received: from DOSGATE    (WP Connection)
  13. Received: from AFIT642    (WP Connection)
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  15. Received: from AFITLSQ    (WP Connection)
  16. Message-Id: <9307231341.AA03087@calvin.afit.af.mil>
  17. Date: Fri Jul 23 09:43:50 1993
  18. From: <rutgers!afit.af.mil!KDAWSON>  (Kevin D. Dawson )
  19. To: <lambada.oit.unc.edu!WILLIAM.DUKES>
  20. Cc: <bobsbox.rent.com!LIGHTWAVE>
  21. Subject: changing default requesters  (SMTP Id#:
  23. Thanks!
  24.        OK This one is probably used by everyone, but I was
  25. suitably impressed with it :)
  27.     Problem: Create Poly's within off-axis poly's 
  28.                               (i.e. windows on slanted walls)
  30.         Identify one point and make it a single point polygon.
  31.         doe the same for the oposite side. Then change select to
  32.         Polygons ( the 2 newly created poly's should show ).
  33.         Go to Multiply, Morph and select a number of points to
  34.         be created along this axis. After that merely repeat for
  35.         points on the opposite side and 'connect the dots'.
  37.                    Of course Bolean operators in T4K are easier.
  38.                       More TIPS anyone ?
  39. Kevin Dawson
  40. kdawson@afit.af.mil